Shamanic Witchcraft Classes

Shamanic Witchcraft Classes and Apprenticeship

What is a Shamanic Witch?
The few authors that do write about Shamanic Witchcraft tend to compare the definition of Shaman – an individual who is able to walk between the worlds of the mundane and the extra-ordinary – and to use this ability to gather knowledge and facilitate healing – to how Witches also work spiritually and magickally. Witches have been called many names over the course of history, such as ‘saga’ in Latin (meaning=wise one), ‘weik’ and ‘weid’ in Proto-Indo-European (meaning bender or twister of power, and seer and knower). The Witch has traditionally always worked with the spirit world and therefore, is also able to transverse between the worlds.

To me, being a Shamanic Witch means that I work my craft with my Spirit People. My spells, healing work, and decisions I make in my personal life – are all done with their advice and assistance. I fully believe that no spirit in a human body can shift things on a spiritual level – we need the Spirit People to do that for us. However, we do have an important and necessary role – we are the Conduit necessary for the Spirit People to do their work effectively. Stepping into this role requires dedication, practice, and a willingness to listen, do the work, make mistakes, and learn from them. My passion in life is to assist women becoming Priestesses of their Own Power.

Shamanic Witchcraft Level One: (Three Month Program)
• Prerequisite: Shadow Work Classes (Free in Witch Do You group, I can also email them to you)
• Topics covered:
o Journeying to the Lower/Middle/Upper Realms
o Building Relationships with Spirit People
o Protection Magick – Protection Herbs
o Making a Witch Bottle
o Working with Animal Guides
o Ancestor Work
o Prosperity Magick – Prosperity Herbs- Mojo bag
o Developing a Book of Shadows
o Moon Work
o Past life Healing work
o Reclaiming Ritual (healing things in the current life)
o Goddess Ritual: Invoking Hekate
o Wheel of the Year (what is covered depends on what holidays occur during the classes)
• Cost of Classes: 550.00 if paid before classes begin. There is a option to pay monthly, 3 payments of 200.00 due by the first class each month.
• Four classes per month, once weekly. Every fourth class will be used for review and/or catch up on material. Each class will be 2.5 hours and all materials are shared in a private Facebook group. All classes are held on Zoom.
• Please plan to attend all classes and participate during class. Classes are recorded for review but it is expected that students will attend class unless there is prior arrangement made with instructor. Certainly, life happens and there may be times that the student cannot attend class; however, it is expected that not more than two classes will be missed in the three months.
• Updates and reminders will be posted in a Facebook Messenger group and in a Facebook Group. It is the student’s responsibility to read these messages/updates and download materials to be used in class.
• We will be making items and I will provide lists of materials needed. Having materials for projects will be the responsibility of the student. I will provide written materials.

Shamanic Witchcraft Level Two (Three Month Program)
• Prerequisite: Shamanic Witchcraft Level One
• Topics Covered:
o Calling and working with the Dark Circle
o Poppet Magick (for healing, protective and baneful work)
o Making Magickal Oils
o Banishment Magick and Herbs
o Jinxes/Hexes/Curses : what are they, how do they happen (incidental/purposeful), when are the circumstances they might be used, and how do you reverse one
o Hauntings/ghosts, how to know the difference and how to remove
o Automatic writing with your Spirit People
o Lucid Dreaming
o Cord cutting
o Soul contracts (how to know what they are and how to change them)
o Wheel of the Year (what is covered depends on what holidays occur during the classes)

• Cost of Classes: 550.00 if paid before classes begin. There is a option to pay monthly,
3 payments of 200.00 due by the first class each month.
• Four classes per month, once weekly. Every fourth class will be used for review and/or catch up on material.
• Please plan to attend all classes and participate during class. Classes are recorded for review but it is expected that students will attend class unless there is prior arrangement made with instructor. Certainly life happens and there may be times that the student cannot attend class; however, it is expected that not more than two classes will be missed in the three months.
• Updates and reminders will be posted in a Facebook Messenger group and in a Facebook Group. It is the student’s responsibility to read these messages/updates and download materials to be used in class.
• We will be making items and I will provide lists of materials needed. Having materials for projects will be the responsibility of the student. I will provide written materials.

Shamanic Witchcraft Level Three (Six Month Program)
• Prerequisite: Shamanic Witchcraft Level Two
• Topics Covered:
o Soul Retrieval/Soul Loss and Theft (several weeks spent on this subject)
o Making Salves, Oils, Tinctures (Plantain Salve, Van Van Oil, Kananga Water)
o Egg Cleansing
o Death Rites
o Ritual to the Four Directions
o Detachment/Psychopomp Work (several weeks spent on this subject)
o Working with Ancestors
o Working with Elementals
o Elemental Bottle
o Origin Work
o Extraction Work
o Rope Magick
o Rice Magick
o Working with Bones
o Wheel of the Year (what is covered depends on what holidays occur during the classes)

• Cost of Classes: 1100.00, can be paid up front or two payments of 550.00, the first at the beginning of classes and the second at the beginning of the fourth month. Student can also make 6 payments of 200.00 at the beginning of every month.
• Four classes per month, once weekly. Every fourth class will be used for review and/or catch up on material.
• Please plan to attend all classes and participate during class. Classes are recorded for review, but it is expected that students will attend class unless there is prior arrangement made with instructor. Certainly, life happens and there may be times that the student cannot attend class; however, it is expected that not more than four classes will be missed in six months. Soul Retrieval, Death Rites, and Detachment will ONLY be taught live and will not be available as recordings to be watched if the class is missed. I take these subjects VERY seriously and do not support them being practiced for the first time without myself being present.
• Updates and reminders will be posted in a Facebook Messenger group and in a Facebook Group. It is the student’s responsibility to read these messages/updates and download materials to be used in class. We will be making items and I will provide lists of materials needed. Having materials for projects will be the responsibility of the student. I will provide written materials.

Shamanic Witchcraft Apprenticeship: TBA – will start in 2023
• Prerequisite: Shadow Work Classes (available for free in the Witch Do You group or they can be emailed to the student)
• Consists of all the material in Shamanic Witchcraft Levels One, Two and Three
• In Person Classes
• Weekly Online Classes (with exception of weeks we meet in person)
• Advantage of working with the same group during the year
• Cost TBA as possible costs of facility need to be factored in